
Friends and Fans, you can still order CommonbonD CDs the 'ole fashioned way... Send a check, payable to CommonbonD, with your order slip via snail mail. Allow 7 days for processing and delivery. Thanks. Select CDs are also available through Florafox.com.

Ten ©2003
Ten, recorded live at Jammin' Java in Vienna, VA, is a celebration of ten years with both until-now unrecorded songs as well as tracks off each of CommonbonD's other 4 CD's. Included among those, writes Gregg Shapiro of the Windy City Times and several other periodicals, "...live renditions of 'Fly' and 'Old River' as well as particularly powerful numbers such as 'I Don't Know' (written for Matthew Shepard and his family), the acoustic blues of 'History of Rock & Roll', and the fierce and forthright 'Ainnobodybiniss'." This is a wonderful showcase of CommonbonD's live performance, with amazing energy and powerful vocals. Music Reviewer, Les Reynolds of Indie-Music writes, "...on the ubiquitous scale of one to ten, it's a ten. ...it's the feel, the emotion and the obvious connection with the audience that's so evident and truly carries your experience with this CD."

Chasing Solace ©2002
Chasing Solace, CommonbonD's fifth CD, was released to a sold-out crowd at the Ram's Head Onstage in Annapolis, MD. Self-produced and inspired by a close friend who has learned truly to find life and solace in every day despite a debilitating illness, the twelve tracks on Solace take the 'glass half full' approach to life. While Solace is predominantly a two-woman show, with the artists on lead/backup vocals, lead/rhythm and slide guitar, bass, drums/percussion, and piano, Solace also enlisted a handful of talented friends, including Eddie (from Ohio) Hartness, SONiA (of disappear fear), Jen Smith (of Naked Blue), Mattie Phiffer, Laura Cerulli and Zoe Lewis. Included among the Solace collection are catchy pop flavors, tender ballads, a couple alt-country tunes and, of course, and all-for-fun blues jam. Chasing Solace was nominated by the Washington Area Music Association for Best Contemporary Folk Recording and had two tracks included among the finalist rankings in the Songwriter's Association of Washington's Mid Atlantic Song Contest.

Naked Soul Dance ©1998
With 14 distinct tracks spanning the pop, folk, rock, country and soul scenes, CommonbonD's third full-length release has something for everyone. Replete with crafty texturization from the pitter-patter percussive trollop in 'Long Way Home' to the church-reminiscent organ in 'Faithful and True,' NSD is an uplifting treat. Naked Soul Dance won first place in the pop category, second place in the Contemporary Christian/Gospel category, and third place in the Adult Contemporary category of SAW's Mid Atlantic Song Contest. Naked Soul Dance also won Just Plain Folk's Contemporary Folk Album of the Year. Includes guest musicians and friends: Mike Davis, Mark St. Pierre, Jennifer & Scott Smith from Naked Blue, AJ from Red Letter Day, Deanna Bogart, Al Williams, Christy Turner and Sony recording artist Devaugh Howard.

A CommonbonD Christmas ©2001
A CommonbonD Christmas is a sweet, acoustic treasure with six timeless Christmas classics and one all-for-fun CommonbonD original holiday rap! Ranked alongside Garth Brooks, Destiny's Child and Barbara Streisand, the Cedar Rapids Gazette gave A CommonbonD Christmas 3 out of 4 stars.

Colors of Life ©1996
Colors of Life, recorded live at the legendary Birchmere (and released at the Birchmere), gives you a glimpse at the energy these two women propel during a live show. While their audience can be shrill, Colors is an 11-cut, live gem. Features the real-life trial by error 'Hippie Cowgirl' and the AIDS dedication 'People Laugh'.

Super Elastic Acoustic Plastic ©1994
Elastic is CommonbonD's brilliant first effort. Recorded at Gizmo and co-produced by CommonbonD and Gant Cushner, SEAP underscores CommonbonD's strength in harmonizing and songwriting. Features 11 thought-provoking tracks that explore domestic violence, war, love, homelessness and a couple quirky topics to keep you laughing and tapping.